As we completed filming the prelim task, my group, Joe, Harry, Aaron and myself began to edit all the scenes we had filmed on the camera throughout the week. Firstly, Aaron began editing for the first half hour, then it was Harry, myself and then Joe. We all started by sorting through the best clips we filmed for each scene. When we all got to edit, we created it in our own way, but still with the groups approval, so we can make the prelim task as good as possible. I began editing the clip by putting each scene side by side, so the clip ran smoothly as you watched it and there was no jump cuts.
Overall, I think the filming and editing went the best it could, due to the issue we had we running out of time during the 2nd last scene, with attempting to place the camera, lighting and props in the exact same area as it was the first timed we filmed. I think that if we had got the water shot correct the first time, the clip would be a lot better. However, despite these mistakes, I believe that our final Prelim task has an interesting story line, camera work and mise-en-scene.
This is our final edit of our prelim task.
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