Filming and Editing
During this task, we filmed different scenes at different times. The first thing our group filmed is walking through the forest. This scene only had one take as we perfected it the first time due to planning it the week before, so we knew exactly what we wanted to do. When we went over to the area, we placed the camera on Megan's shoulder and she began to walk and then jog through the forest. We decided on doing this as it gives the effect of 'hand held' camera angle, which makes it looks very natural and it also gives tension as you can not guess what it going to happen next. We replayed the clip back on the camera and we loved it, so we kept it and went back to the lesson. As we knew what we wanted this clip for, we began to edit it on the computer. We started by putting the clip in slow motion, for tension. Then we placed a discreet heart beat in the background, along with some heavy breathing. After we finished editing this clip, we replayed it back and we all loved it as it drew lots of tension and horror, so we were very satisfied with that.
After we had our first clip filmed and edited, we started on our company labels. We had already made the names for each company, but we just needed to make them and edit them so they were ready to be put in our clip.
we had our first clip filmed and edited, we started on our company
labels. We had already made the names for each company, but we just
needed to make them and edit them so they were ready to be put in our
clip. Our first company name we made was 'Blackcat Productions, this
was my idea as I thought the company name sounded professional and
unique. The creating of the company logo was very simple, as all we did
was find a font for the name that we thought looked best and suited the
theme/name the most, then we added the cat image, then the company logo
was created and finished.
we began to create our other company name/logo. We called it 'Firewalk
Entertainment' as we thought the name was very simple, but then we all
thought of the idea to have a a flame behind the name with an empowering
sound. We got the background noise of youtube, along with the flame and
put it all in the clip behind the name.
When we added these company logos in, we were then finished with our first draft for our thriller video.
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